This week in social media, Twitter is changing the selfie game by patenting the #droneselfie, Mashable looks back at the best tech of 2015 on Snapchat Discover, and Adweek tops off 2015 with the best social media stories from the past year.
The Language of Emotions: Making an Impact With Headlines
It’s no secret that people gravitate towards emotional words. Whether it’s a sentence that makes us feel wonderful or a couple of simple words that invoke sadness, emotional language is universally intriguing. That sense of curiosity can easily be a motor that moves a reader’s hand to their mouse to perform that ever-sought-after “share.”
In his blog post last month, Barry Feldman, a content marketing consultant and social media advisor, discussed the idea of writing emotionally charged headlines as sort of a science. Turns out, the emotionality of certain words and phrases is measurable in a quantitative way.