Social Media Tips from @mysecretboston

Social Media Tips from Jeff Wallace (@mysecretboston)Ever have a friend or family come up and ask you to show them around Boston? You took them to Faneuil Hall, didn’t you? You were disappointed, weren’t you? Come on.

There’s so much more to Boston than the typical tourist traps and MySecretBoston is there to show you all of them. The account, run by Jeff Wallace, is dedicated to “Uncovering the best of Boston food, music, and entertainment” and does just that, announcing last-minute free concerts, cool bar specials, and random things you never knew Boston had to offer — including the top places to hang out in Allston.

Find more Event Twitter accounts at our list of Who to Follow in Boston!

1. Offer up enough goods to catch someone’s eye, but not too much to spoil the secret. Make them want to (and have to) click on that link.

2.When trying to to post the same link in multiple posts (i.e. to promote an event or a big article), be sure to vary the hook on each post. Don’t just cut and paste. Get creative.

3. Sometimes it pays to take a break from self-promotion and to share someone else’s content. Just make sure it’s consistent with your voice and brand.