Social Media Tips From #Boston Pros!


Remember our all encompassing, sightly mind-blowing round-up of who to follow on Twitter in Boston? If not, we highly suggest clicking HERE to see who made the cut, and then clicking HERE to subscribe to that list on Twitter.

Don’t worry, we won’t say the word “click” again.

Well, since the birth of that list, we’ve reached out to our Twitter pros in hopes that they’d break off a piece of their social media wisdom. Below you’ll find the results: a magnificent cornucopia of tips, advice, and general online community wizardry, all available at your disposal.

So go ahead — read up and tweet out. Because when it comes to Twitter, it’s totally awesome to follow, but it’s totally awesomer to lead.

Oh, and that promise about no more clicking? We take it back. CLICK AWAY!

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Urbanology 101: An Interview With the Mayor of ‘Boscago’

Max Grinnell, The Urbanologist

Boston may be a small city, but it’s a great one, and no one knows that more than city expert and self-titled “Urbanologist” Max Grinnell. With roots in Seattle and Madison, Wisconsin, Max has dedicated most of his life to studying how cities work and teaching others through his publications, website, and — most importantly — Twitter.

As @theurbanologist, Max explores Boston and Chicago (an area he calls “Boscago”) and highlights the best parts of both in terms of entertainment, growth, sociology, and more.

Max lent us an ear to talk Boston, Twitter, and what it really means to be an urbanologist.

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Student Guide: Who to Follow on Twitter in Boston


As much as we complain incessantly about #Boston, you’ve picked a good city to call home while you’re in school. And one thing we’re really good at is social media. Our Mayor (@marty_walsh) hosts #TwitterChat(s) regularly, we’ve won various awards for the city’s social media prowess, and here’s a protip: if you know who to follow on Twitter, that’s enough to be “in the know” in this city.

So here’s a good list to get you started (subscribe to it here):

General Boston



@BriteBoston UPDATE: Inactive since 2015.

City of Boston (important) Accounts

Mayor: @marty_walsh
Food Trucks: @bosfood
Bikes: @bikeboston



Live Updates






Food & Drink



@backbaymemoirs UPDATE: Inactive since 2015.
@centralsqpigeon  UPDATE: Inactive since 2016.
@BDPizzaBrighton UPDATE: Inactive since 2015.





@ttthebears UPDATE: TT The Bears has closed as of July 2015.

MBTA Accounts


Other Transportation


The best Twitter accounts in Boston


Who are your essential Boston tweeters? Let us know in the comments!

Metter Media LLC is a Boston-based social media management company that implements community-based, localized social engagement strategies for small businesses and corporations alike. Need help with your social media? Email Lauren today.

The Social Media News Revolution: One-On-One with @universalhub


It was pouring rain on a Wednesday afternoon when I sat down at Foley’s in the South End with Adam Gaffin, aka @universalhub. We were both dripping wet and armed with all the supplies we needed: laptops and smartphones, and both of us seemed to be running on very little sleep.

The night before was the first night that Twitter blew up with news from #Ferguson, Missouri, and if I didn’t already feel more like my old journalist self again, sitting with Gaffin and talking at warp speed about the way we ingest news nowadays made it so. He needs no introduction: @universalhub, the biggest source of real-time news in Greater Boston, convener of crowdsourced iPhone reports and hero of citizen journalism, especially via social media.

In short: we bro’d out for a very long time.Continue reading

How Social Media Changed a Boston Bartender’s Career

Tenzin Samdo

Everyone knows Boston loves to drink. From our intense celebrations during St. Patrick’s Day and the Boston Marathon to the notorious “drunk train” that is the B line, to being consistently named America’s drunkest city, we get a reputation for being more than willing to partake.

What is often overlooked, though, is Boston’s appreciation for craft beer, locally made liquor, and remarkable craft cocktails. We have some of the best people in the country behind the stick, and one such barman, Tenzin Samdo, wants to make it known.

As @bostonmixdrink on Instagram and Twitter, Tenzin shares his own specialty cocktails as well as those he experiences throughout the city and on international travels – and he knows his stuff. His accounts are filled with gorgeous shots of unique drinks, beautiful sights, and his adorable son, and his IG has gained over 8,000 followers in less than two years.

With a mocktail of watermelon juice, basil, and cucumber in hand, I sat down with Tenzin at his home turf, Trade, and chatted about social media and the Boston bar scene.

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Behind the Tweets with Boston’s Best-Kept Secret, @OnlyInBOS

Twitter user @OnlyInBOS (OIB) is Boston’s best-kept secret. With over 35,000 followers, the self-proclaimed “most relevant digital media influencer” in the city has quickly become one of Boston’s biggest voices, sharing commentary on its best events, food, nightlife and people. But who is behind it all? Hopping from one bar and event to another, there are hundreds of pictures documenting the adventure with nary a manicured nail nor fly-ass Jordans to give us a clue, but the truth is not entirely concealed. OIB took the time to sit down with Metter Media and give us some insight to how it all works.Continue reading

Social Media Tips from @MiddlesexLounge

middlesex lounge

Nate Brown of @middlesexlounge has a lot to do. He’s the face and voice of one of Boston’s hottest bars and lounges that features regular live music and performances – so how does one juggle all of that and not sound like a robot? It’s no easy task, but Brown didn’t make our “Who to Follow” list for nothing! We asked for some advice.




1. Have social media be a part of someone’s job. not an afterthought or addendum to someone’s job. If its a marketing person, it should be one of the main duties.

2. Engage people, even if it’s a Foursquare check-in or you’re hashtagged and not directly communicated with, reply or retweet.

3. Cut down on links. More links away from Twitter make it a pain in the ass, and not all links are worth it clicking away for.

4. Give as much info as possible in 140 characters. Is it an event? Offer the time, date, cover fee, type of music/ artist, etc.

5. Have something worth reading. If you read your own tweets as if they were from a completely unknown account, would you follow that account?


Social Media Tips from @mcslimjb

Social Media Tips from @mcslimjbMC Slim JB may sound like the name of your newest favorite Boston-based rapper, but in reality, he’s so much cooler than that. The local restaurant critic writes reviews for the Improper Bostonian and plenty other publications, all the while happily tweeting about food, Boston, and more. And if you were wondering, no, he is NOT the cat in his Twitter avatar. Find more Food & Drink Twitter accounts at our list of Who to Follow in Boston!




1. Find a niche and stick to it. Probably 85% of my comments relate to Boston food and drink, with a sprinkling of national food/drink stuff thrown in. That’s why people follow me.

2. Credit your sources, ideally with their Twitter handles. It’s not nice to pirate ideas. Nobody expects you to come up with original content all the time; they follow you because they take some interest in what you find interesting. So point them to cool, funny, interesting stuff besides your own; just tell people where you found it.

3. Go easy with the Tweeting of photos of what you’re eating. That dish might indeed be awesome, but if you’re like me, your smartphone-based photo of it is probably pretty pitiful, and maybe not doing the chef or restaurant such a great favor.

4. Be wary of reporting rumors, especially restaurant closings. False rumors can hurt a business and its workers. Better to be scooped than to get the facts wrong. Nobody cares if you got the news out first, anyway.

5. If you’re going to lob a dart at somebody in the industry for their self-aggrandizement, dumb restaurant name, horrifying marketing campaign, or shady business practices, consider using satire over sanctimony. For most readers, it’s more fun to see a scoundrel or ninny ridiculed than scolded.


Social Media Tips from @BostonAttitude

86eBott8They say “attitude is everything,” which means that John Romard (aka @BostonAttitude) is everything Boston. Follow his account for tweets about “Living, Working, Playing in Boston!!” BA’s on our “General Boston” Twitter list for Who To Follow on Twitter in Boston, because, well, if you live in Boston, you better be following him!

Here are @BostonAttitude’s tweeting tips:

1. Pick something you know about to talk about.

2. Be consistent with the content in your posts. I tweet about Boston and major events. I try to keep my content honest, accurate and current.

3. Have fun and work with others, it’s not competition.

4. Never give up or get discouraged. You don’t build a following overnight.


Social Media Tips from @OnTheBar

Social Media Tips from @OnTheBar@OnTheBar is one of the coolest apps to have if you’re living in Boston. It’s also one of the coolest Twitter accounts to follow — you can see where your favorite bartenders are working on any given night and plan your night accordingly. Plus, their tweets are beyond entertaining. Find more Food & Drink Twitter accounts at our list of Who to Follow in Boston!


1.  Try to mix it up. We’ll sometimes throw in cultural references that are not immediately related to what we do / our mission. If we’re just, “cocktails, cocktails, cocktails!” all the damn time, we’d be both boring and drunk.

2. Have a sense of humor, but don’t be a jerk. We take a pretty irreverent tone from time to time, but we never (or very, very rarely) speak negatively about a person or thing. Usually if we’re making fun of something, it’s ourselves. People seem to dig that. Corporate accounts are usually stodgy as hell.

3. Talk about others more than yourself. Our job is sorta easy here because we have all these amazing bartenders creating really cool content about what’s happening in their bar or what drinks they’re making, etc. We get to share this via Twitter and Instagram, and we love hyping our community members. Like that @sahildmehta guy. He’s great. You should follow him.