This week in the #MMSocialReport, social media seeks to fill the gaps left by traditional media. Whether that’s offering new ways for people to connect, utilizing networks to provide disaster-relief information, or promoting artists and businesses who would otherwise fly under the radar, the significance of social media grows with every innovation. We’re happy to be along for the ride.
1. How Facebook’s New App Aides Nepal Earthquake Aftermath
by @CMichaelSmock via @socialmedia2day
With the goal of connecting friends and loved ones at the most important times, the new Facebook Safety Check prompts users in the geographic area of natural disasters to answer whether or not they’re safe. It has already helped thousands of users affected by the Nepal earthquake, and it sound like the app will continue for future natural disasters.
2. Introducing @music on Instagram
by @instagram
Instagram announced this week the creation of @music, the a developer-run page which explores music from around the globe and features exclusive content from well-known artists as well as profiles of underrated artists. Of course, it will have the interactive community element that Instagram prides itself on, so watch out for weekly hashtag projects posted by the account!
3. Facebook Messenger Gets in Your Face, Rolls Out Video Chat
by @JPManga via @mashsocialmedia
You knew it was coming, right? Facebook Messenger, as part of their attempt to be everything you need to communicate with one another, has launched video chat for iOS and Android. Have you tried it out yet?
4. After Protests, Baltimore Community Finds Help Through Social Media
by @JordanInBoston via @BostonDotCom
The need for supplies and support for protesters in Ferguson recently led to the creation of a non-profit called Help Or Hush, which has been using Twitter as a platform for connecting donations and volunteers to the areas in need, focusing on Baltimore as of late. We think it’s pretty amazing that through the power of a social platform, this organization has raised and allocated thousands of dollars to help those in need.
4. Facebook Says There are now 40M Active Small Business Pages
by @anthonyha via @TechCrunch
Facebook also announced this week live support for small businesses trying to utilize paid advertising on the site, as well as new resources for businesses who don’t advertise. With this development, it seems that Facebook is moving to finally show it cares about the success of all types of businesses, and we can definitely get down with that.
Metter Media LLC is a Boston-based social media management company that implements community-based, localized social engagement strategies for small businesses and corporations alike. Need help with your social media? Email Lauren today.