International Women’s Day: Businesses We Love

Who run the world?!

This International Women’s Day, we’re excited to celebrate our status as a women-owned and -led business. But rather than focus on us, we sat down as a company to come up with a list of some of our favorite women- and femme-led businesses, both locally and nationally. These incredible organizations inspire us to keep moving forward and driving change, and we hope they inspire you, too.

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Keeping Your Mental Health A Priority While Using Social Media

Close up female sitting in meditation pose on a wooden floor opposite a smartphone

Social media has completely taken the world by storm, providing a bridge of communication and connection between individuals, companies, even countries. While social media can be toxic, we love its positive qualities and interconnectivity — and can’t tell you to go cold turkey. We’ve made changes to these platforms along the way and platforms have rolled out new features, like Facebook’s Crisis Response, allowing users to mark themselves as ‘safe’ in case of a crisis.

While there are body-positive posts all over Instagram, and messages of being kind and paying it forward, social media can still be damaging to your mental health. Sometimes we forget to check in with ourselves, ignoring the small yet dire effects social media places upon us. As a college student interning for a social media management company, I’m exposed to A LOT of social media, thus inspiring this piece, as I try both old and new tips to focus on my mental health despite having the world at my fingertips. Continue reading

#MMSocialReport January 18, 2019

Tune in for this week’s roundup to learn how Spotify is working on making listening while driving more safe, how screensharing app Squad is changing the way you can connect with friends, how Facebook’s $300 million fund will provide a boost to local news organizations, what those mysterious blue bubbles under your Youtube videos might be, and how WhatsApp just surpassed Facebook’s monthly users!

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