8 Social Media Related Gifts You Can (Probably) Get In Time For Christmas


Here at Metter Media, we know busy schedules can sometimes lead to putting off non-work-related tasks to the last minute. This holds true for family birthdays (overnighting your mom’s card), doctor’s appointments, and yes, holiday shopping.Continue reading

10 Holiday e-Cards for Social Media Fanatics

Being the social media fanatic you are, e-cards are probably on your list of things to share. Actually, you probably send them out randomly for no reason at all, just because they’re fun and you can. Now it’s the holiday season and there’s a valid occasion to do so! But don’t worry if you’re not the most creative one in the bunch. Digging around someecards to find the most relatable notes you and your like-minded friends will understand and love turned up these results (click each one to send it via email directly from the site):


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AMC’s The Walking Dead Spoils it for Everyone

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, EFF AMC ARE YOU SERIOUS. Being able to react with and respond to your fans is important as a brand, but sometimes it comes at a price. While The Walking Dead does a great job of live-tweeting their show, it seems they have forgotten that not everyone is watching live (especially west coast fans).

The team running The Walking Dead’s social media unleashed a horde of walking spoilers upon its unsuspecting fans when they posted a MAJOR spoiler immediately following the east coast showing of its mid-season finale (post not included here to save the rest of you).

The first time the post was sent was at 9:59pm EST but was deleted quickly enough – but not before damage was done, of course. But then they posted it again and, this time, there was a wee bit of…what’s the word…outrage. Fans on the west coast or not at a television were heartbroken to learn of the death of a major character before getting a chance to watch the finale themselves.

While AMC has since apologized, the effects are long-lasting. With memes popping up all over AMC and The Walking Dead’s official social accounts from disgruntled fans, the spoilers are hard to miss. In fact, in a MM email thread, one of our very own fell victim:

Walking Dead

Here are some of our favorite memes in response to this weekend’s big spoiler:

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Star Power: Celebrities Using Social Media for Good

Stephen Amell

Not to sound too cliché, but Spiderman’s Uncle Ben was right: with great power comes great responsibility, and arguably the most powerful tool in the universe today is social media.

Some celebrities choose to use their status for evil (lookin’ at you and your battery-acid Ciroc, P. Diddy), while others choose to lend their voices to more rewarding endeavors. Star Power is the first of an ongoing column focused on celebrities who use their social media skills and popularity to raise money and awareness for charitable causes. These are their stories.

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Memes Social Media Managers Will Love

Everyone loves memes, especially when they’re particularly relatable. Being social media managers and working with these characters on a regular basis, our team came up with a few favorites to voice our frustrations (and successes) when it comes to reach, engagement, and other daily SM battles. Feel free to tweet us some of your own @mettermedia!

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10 Last-Minute Hallowmeme Costumes for This Weekend

An Internet meme is “an activity, concept, catchphrase or piece of media which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person via the Internet.” There are certain ones you see over and over and in different contexts. You may sometimes feel sorry for Bad Luck Brian or annoyed with Overly Attached Girlfriend. Maybe you feel like Success Kid when you do something awesome, or as if your parents are always grilling you like Condescending Wonka.

What if you could be one of your favorite (or least favorite) meme characters? Halloween is this weekend and you can be WHATEVER you want for the occasion, so here are 10 meme characters you can pose as very, very easily. So easily, in fact, that the most you’ll need to do is run to the mall or nearby store if you can’t find something suitable at home.

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11 Social Media Features We WISH Existed

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As professional social media fanatics, we at Metter Media spend a LOT of time online. Because of that, it should come as no surprise we have plenty of ideas that could make our (and everyone else’s) experiences better on social networking.

Sometimes that article about the new iPhone could really use a Macarena baby GIF — that Facebook won’t allow. Or you get a Twitter notification on your phone that you can’t read because someone sharing the account already opened it and it disappeared before your very eyes. And it’s beyond frustrating.

In the midst of scheduling posts, sharing cat pictures, and lightheartedly making fun of each other, the MM team came up with our top social media gripes that we’d love to see solutions to — soon.

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10 Twitter Accounts That Will Make You LOL


Most of us follow a variety of types of Twitter users who benefit us in several ways. You may follow real-time news aggregators to find out what’s happening in the world, your favorite businesses for deals and new product updates, or musicians for new music and free downloads. Thought leaders in any industry will offer their expertise and useful links relevant to their areas, and friends share what they’re doing or thinking.

Another category of users I follow are funny ones. While scrolling through my feed at work, something in the midst of news stories and photos of my friends’ lunches makes me burst out laughing. Laughter is great positive energy, and looking through these feeds last night gave me a serious case of the funnies. So, here are 10 accounts that, if you follow, will guarantee you that spur-of-the-moment LOL.

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Famous in 15: 4 Internet Celebs Show How Easy Viral Fame Can Be


Andy Warhol said, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.”

Warhol didn’t account for the future being so social, though. Nowadays, thanks to the power of social media, everyone can be world-famous IN 15 minutes. Viral fame is a sudden movement on a permanent platform. That kind of infamy lasts a lot longer than a few minutes.

Here are some sudden celebrities and how they reached their fame overnight:

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