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The Smith Case Study

The Breakdown

  • Overview
  • Services
  • The Challenge
  • The Opportunity

Our Work

Local business TikTok

Influencer collaboration

Local business collaboration

Studio feature reel

The Smith No. 99 reel

Rooftop pool TikTok

We appreciate all of the creative ideas and content creation Metter has brought to The Smith’s social. It is well thought-out, on brand, and appealing to our target demographic. I really like the local business highlights and collaborations they are able to establish for us. The client is happy and enjoy seeing the personalized touch on our social feed. When we ask Metter to highlight particular features or amenities, they bring forth fun ideas that perform well.” – Charmaine Carbonell, Senior Manager, Property Marketing

The Results

In one year (July 2023 – June 2024), we gained The Smith:

0 K


0 K


0 K

Video Views

0 K

post link clicks


new followers