Do you ever come across a tweet and think, “This person gets me”?
Do you ever want to tweet a thought but hold back, assuming someone else will tweet it?
One of these accounts probably has… these are my favorite, most relateable accounts on Twitter!
1. @reIatable
my food never came out like this
— So Damn Relatable! (@reIatable) September 22, 2014
Me during winter — So Damn Relatable! (@reIatable) October 1, 2014
2. @tmasterfsarcasm
Real-life sarcasm at its finest.
The only stock options I have are chicken and beef.
— Master of Sarcasm (@tmasterfsarcasm) October 1, 2014
Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them? — Master of Sarcasm (@tmasterfsarcasm) October 2, 2014
3. @SnapchatLeakz
Relevant for anyone who uses Snapchat.
Why does snapchat decide who my best friends are, this is not ok
— Snapchat Problems (@SnapchatLeakz) October 1, 2014
*hides flaws using snapchat text bar* — Snapchat Problems (@SnapchatLeakz) October 1, 2014
4. @SinglBecause
If you’re a single lady or dude.
With enough thought and determination every pizza can be a personal pizza
— The Struggle is Real (@SinglBecause) September 27, 2014
Gotta prepare for my big day tomorrow — The Struggle is Real (@SinglBecause) July 17, 2014
5. @Famous_Fangurl
For fan girls/boys of any age.
mom: who are you laughing with? me: my computer
— Fan problems (@FamousFangurl) September 24, 2014
me: oh, my camera roll is getting full me: *scrolls past pictures of band members* me: *deletes pictures of family/friends* — Fan problems (@FamousFangurl) September 22, 2014
Metter Media LLC is a Boston-based social media management company that implements community-based, localized social engagement strategies for small businesses and corporations alike. Need help with your social media? Email Lauren today.